News Release
For Immediate Release
Jan. 24, 2023
Lametti simply needs to repeal S. 43
“Isn’t it lovely that all the politicians are against hitting kids, according to an article on today’s (Jan. 24) Globe & Mail. Problem is, they’ve been saying that for 30 years and I see no moves to repeal Section 43.”
There are now bills in both houses, Stan Kucher’s bill in the Senate and the house bill sponsored by MP Peter Julian, says Kathy Lynn, who chairs Corinne’s Quest, the main national group dedicated to repeal the law that allows hitting kids.
There have been private members bills in the House and the Senate for 30 years now, and I have worked in support of each and every one of them, she said. But no government has moved toward repeal.
“I am heartened by the comments from justice minister Lametti’s staff, who have indicated the government is seeking the right opportunity to repeal Section 43.
“I have told justice minister Lametti time and again that his task is simple. Just repeal the bill. That’s all that’s required,” said Lynn.
“The bill as written does not protect children. It defines how adults can hit them, and it offers a defense in law for those who do. It’s scandalous. We don’t need a law that instructs us how we can legally hit our children.”
She said MP Julian’s bill is simple in its elegance. It simply says, ‘Section 43 of the criminal code is repealed’. That’s all we need.
Corrine’s Quest is named to honour Corinne Robertshaw, a former government lawyer who dedicated her life to repeal of Section 43.
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For information on Corinne’s Quest, see their website at
For more information you may contact:
Kathy Lynn, chair, at 604-258-9074